Israel Forever Foundation
The Israel Forever Foundation is helping to make the personal relationship with Israel thrive through innovative programming that connects people all over the world with Israel in a virtual way. Our Virtual Citizen of Israel™ global community enables a transformation of the personal connection to Israel into a powerful and meaningful expression of unity for people of all political, religious, racial, or national allegiances. WIIS Israel is very grateful for the 501 c fiscal sponsorship from IFF.
Jewish Women's Foundation of NY
The Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York works to address the unmet needs of women and girls in the Jewish community in New York and Israel through innovative grantmaking, advocacy and education. JWFNY’s work focuses on economic security for women as well as other critical issues of concern such as leadership development, health and well-being, bullying, financial literacy, career training and breaking the stained glass ceiling. Since 1995, JWFNY has granted more than $2.6 million to nearly 100 projects in New York, Israel and beyond.
Forum Devorah
Women in Policy and National Security was established in 2012 by high-ranking official and former official women from a variety of fields. The forum was established with the help of The Institute for Inclusive Security in the US, which works in areas of conflict across the globe with the aim of including women in peace negotiations. The Forum works in the spirit of UNSCR 1325 and further to amendment 6c1 of Israel’s Women’s Status Bill. The three goals that the Forum sets out to advance are: 1. Significant integration of women in designing and implementing Israel’s national security policy, peace negotiations and conflict resolution processes; 2. Opening up the security discourse and diversifying its partners and participants; 3. Egalitarian military service for women in the I.D.F. and the promotion of women in the military to high-ranking and influential positions. WIIS Israel interns assist in almost all of Forum Devorah projects and the majority of the women in the forum donate their time to WIIS Israel as mentors, speakers and career counselors.